Welcome to Women's Recreational Weekend!

Time: 2.–3.3.2024

Place: Ikaalisten kylpylä

Topic: Gratitude

Speaker: Pastor Kerttuli Giantzaklidis

The program begins on Sabbath 2.3. at 10.30 a.m. with a worship service and ends on Sunday at 1 p.m. with lunch. Program below.

On Sunday afternoon it is still possible to stay in the spa, price -50% of the normal price.

Price: 127 € (2 persons), 143 € (1 person). Number of single rooms is limited.

Please pay the event fee in advance to the Seventh-day Adventist church's bank account FI54 8000 1770 3036 27. If you pay after February 23rd, please be prepared to present a receipt of payment. Write as message: Ikaalinen + your name + 1 hh (if you wish to have a single room).

Registration, online: click here by 14th of February.

Unfortunately, there will not be any babysitting at the event.

Organizer: Women's Ministries and Family Ministries Departments of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Finland



10:30               Worship service, gratitude 1

12:00–13:00    Lunch

13:00–15:00    Indoor and outdoor activities

15:00–15:30    Afternoon tea

15:30–17:00    Gratitude 2

17:00–18:00    Outdoor activities

18:00–19.00    Dinner

19:00–23:00    Spa



7:00–8:30       Breakfast

8:30–9:00       Morning devotional, outdoor prayer walk (weather permitting)

9:00–10:00     Gratitude 3

10:00–12:00   Spa

12:00              Lunch

                       Check out

                       Going home